What is Tipclub?

Tipclub is a offline-to-online business networking organization. Our members generate referrals and new business relationships through an integration of online and face-to-face business networking in over 30 cities nationwide. Groups meet once a month where they establish business relationships and long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.

How long has Tipclub been in business?

The tipclub.com website was launched in 1999 and the company was incorporated in 2004.

How are you different than other business networking organizations?

Many of today's business networking organizations are outdated. Many of them try to be "everything to everybody" or have a "one size fits all" business networking model. We are revolutionizing a new business networking model and a paradigm shift from the "old" traditional business networking model by introducing new tools, ideas, and methodologies. One member referred to us being a "Meetup of Linkedin and Twitter". That is because our local face-to-face meetings, online business network, and "tips" broadcasts create unprecedented value for our users.

Is there a cost to join Tipclub?

Basic membership is free. There is a cost for a premier membership ($25 per month) and a premier plus groups membership ($385 per year)

Do you offer discounted memberships for Non-profits?

Yes, we offer a $300 premier membership for Non-profit organizations.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, simply send your request to support@tipclub.com

What kind of businesses participate in your group meetings?

We are primarily a business-to-business networking organization. Our members include, but are not limited to, technology, law, accounting, consulting, healthcare, Insurance, finance, telecom, travel, advertising/marketing, energy, payroll, human resources, manufacturing, real estate and security organizations.

As a guest, can I attend more than one group meeting?

No. If a visitor attends a meeting and views a website demo, that provides the full experience that is needed to decide on a group membership. The only exception is if, in a rare event, there are less than 10 attendees at a meeting, may a guest return to another future event.

What are the group rules and requirements?

Although our groups are structured and meetings organized, we don't believe in overburdening our members with a lot of rules and regulations. We only require our members to attend at least 75% of the meetings (or send a guest!) and have six guests attend throughout the year (and get a month's membership at no cost for each guest that joins!)

Can join more than one group?

Yes, as long as there are no conflicts of interest in any of the groups you join.

Are your groups exclusive?

Yes, only one member per a specific profession is permitted.

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